2024-25 On-site Sand Dune Education Program (OSDEP)

Biodiversity Conservancy Internationnal is pleased to consider requests for participating in the OSDEP.  This is a free educational program on sand dune habitat, biodiversity and ecosystem. The Pinhey Sand Dunes, located in the National Capital Greenbelt, Nepean, are the teaching sites.

Visit and study one of the rarest natural habitats in Canada: The inland sand dune habitat.

This educational program is provided to Schools (Grades 1-12), Colleges, Universities, Organizations. Institutions, Community and the Public.  The program is funded by the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation.

Important Note:  During October 2024- August 2025, free Yellow Bus transportation to the dunes and back is available on the first-come, first-served basis.   Minimum participants per bus is 25.

This on-site education includes:

(1) A 15-30 minute presentation, with macro-photos of dune organisms, graphics and posters) about the prehistoric National Capital Sand Dunes System, and the restoration of parts of the system now known as the Pinhey Sand Dunes (PSD).  The participants will learn about::  (i) the dune physical and geological landscape; (ii) an extremely rare inland sand dune habitat; (iii) unique dune biodiversity and ecosystem;

(2) A  60 minute edu-tour of the Pinhey Sand Dunes and the Sanctuary for Butterflies and Pollinators to observe activities of the unique dune biodiversity, including insects spiders, butterflies, pollinators, and other arthropods  During the tour  participants will learn how to: (i) identify selected dune dwelling organisms particularly insects and plant species host of selected caterpillars, such as  those of the Monarch, Giant Swallowtail, American Painted Lady butterflies…(ii) gently capture selected dune  organisms, such as various Tiger Beetle species  for close observation;  and

(3) A 30-60 minute hands-on participation in the restoration of the Pinhey Sand Dunes, especially, the restoration of  the dune sandy substrate by separating sand from mixture of sand and organic detritus using a sand sifter.

Contact:, or

Direction to the teaching site – Dunes 2, where the On-site Sand Dune  Education is mainly carried out

The Pinhey Sand Dunes – Dunes 2, where the Sanctuary for Butterflies and Pollinators is located.

The public (top), university students (middle), and young high school students (bottom) attended education sessions at Pinhey Sand Dunes